Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 21, 2012: The "gotta do" can be creative too!

This is a funny one :). You might imagine that creating/making/learning something everyday can be time consuming. As a result, my room and laundry and life, if you will... were getting a little out of control! So I had to clean up and organize. Saturday was a GYST day, as I like to call them (Get Your Shit Together). Since I had to do it, I decided to infuse my creative endeavor into the "gotta do." Earlier in the day I was on (my new faaaaaaavorite site...) Pintrest and I saw a creative use of fabric scraps that I loved.

I was inspired by this to make a scrappy bed skirt. This was the outcome :). Very rough and makeshift at this point, but I will follow up by sewing it together and making it into a finished product. Just remember, even the "gotta do" can be creative too!

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