Wednesday, February 8, 2012

January 26, 2012: Fabulously Female

In my life, I have come across some of the most inspiring women. I am lucky to be surrounded by girls who are talented, confident, creative, smart, athletic and hysterical. My grandmother, my mother, my sister and all of my close girl-friends have these characteristics. I often wonder how I could spread the word to girls everywhere that YOU can make a difference, YOU can be great! Well, my brother-in-law was perusing a skiing website and sent me a link to She He texted me the site and said "seems cool and women with similar goals as you - check it out if you get a chance." So... I did!

I played around on that site for a while and got inspired, not only to get back on my snowboard, but to find more sites that empower girls. Maybe the word is already getting out and it's like a girl revolution! haha! So, while watching one of my favorite YouTube channels (if not my absolute favorite) ThreadBanger, I saw this video:

As you can see it references "I AM THAT GIRL." So, naturally, I visited the I AM THAT GIRL site and found that it is also all about empowering girls to be leaders and to be their best! I looked into starting a chapter but it looks like that is only available for colleges. Hmmmfff. I emailed the director to see if there is any chance that it will start in communities and even high schools? We shall see.

(Disclaimer: I noticed that I AM THAT GIRL does strongly support Planned Parenthood, which I am honestly on the fence about (honestly... sitting on the fence!) so my endorsement of the organization should not suggest anything about where I stand in the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate. If I am anything I am Pro-BeInformed)

Rock on girls! Please leave a comment if you know about other organizations that promote (excuse the cliche...) Girl Power! I am passionate about girls having confidence and pursuing their dreams.

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